STRESS?? Now you can overcome it so easily by doing these two practices.

These days people always emphasize asana practice. But we don’t include relaxation or meditation in the yoga sessions at all. But don’t neglect them. You need to relax; it will help you feel better and once you have begun to relax or meditate regularly, the experience will transform you. Many yoga practioner attracted towards yoga primarily in order to meditate, others are focused on physical health and are not aware of the importance of meditation. Working with the body or mind alone is usually not enough to create the inner strength and equilibrium we hope for. A balanced combination of asana practice and mental centering will engender a sense of well- being Breathing is powerful tool for managing stress. And while a few moments of breathe can definetly short circuit a fit of anger or a moment of anxiety, you might consider extending your breathing breaks and using them on...