Everyone in this world wants a good height. But some of them could get the desired height but some of them couldnt. Your height is not increasing even if you are having balanced and healthy diet. So there must be some hormonal imbalance or other could be reasons. Height depends on various things like food, region, hormones and physical activity. I am going to describe some YOGA which helps to increase height.


One of the most famous yoga poses, the asana works on abs, upper back, and lower back muscles and helps in cutting back the bad fat around the stomach. 

Lying prone on the ground, stretch your body with the front of your feet on the floor with your hands under your shoulder.

Keep your lower body pressed firmly into the floor.

Inhale and lift your chest and most of the torso off the floor by straightening your arms. Make sure your pubis does not leave the floor and keep the back bend even along the spine.

Make sure your belly button is tucked in, abs is tight and shoulders are rolled back.

Bend the neck backward to work around the neck muscles.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

Exhale while coming back to the prone position.


 It is effective for increasing height as it elongates the spine and at the same time stretches the hamstrings.

Stand straight and tall, with your shoulders rolled back, chest puffed out, abdominal muscles tight and belly button sucked in.

Inhale and extend your arms straight overhead.

Exhale and bend forward, trying to touch your head to your knees and your hands to your feet.

If you are flexible enough, try to touch the back of your feet with your hands.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds and then return to straight.


This pose is one of the miracle asana. Its difficulty level is intermediate and it can be done with a little progressive practice. The inversion asana is known to benefit skin, hair, blood pressure and thyroid.

Lie on your back with your abs tight and shoulders firmly pressed into the ground.
Tighten and lock the muscles of your legs.

In one movement, lift your legs, butt, and back off the floor and into the air with your shoulders taking up the weight.

Support your back with your hand and try to keep your body lifted straight in the air.
Hold the pose for 40 seconds.

Return to the original position slowly by first lowering your knees to your forehead, then bringing your spine back to the ground, and finally, laying straight on the ground.


This is as popular as the cobra pose. It helps in weight loss, strengthening arm muscles, abs and leg muscles. The asana stretches the lower body as well as the upper body. This makes it perfect for increasing height.

Come onto all fours with your palms, knees and toes in contact with the ground.

Now straighten your knees and lift your butt high in the air, pushing your hips up.

Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and stretched straight.

Stretch as if you are pushing your spine back towards your legs and try to touch your heels to the ground

Hold the pose for 40 seconds and come to the original position.

                           One thing one has to keep in mind that does not perform these poses if you have any kind of issues regarding your back. And if you have a back issue and still feel like doing it, better first check with your physician.

Yoga can make possible to increase height by practicing, but the results depend on various other factors. Individual results vary on the basis of the diet, regularity with the asana, and also hormonal imbalances. So, eat a healthy diet and practice 


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