Intresting Facts: Laughter is a Natural stress buster and medicine.

Laughter is incorporated as a permanent part of who you are, it attracts friends, improves health and extends life. When we laugh, every organ in the body is affected a positive way. Our breathing quickens, which exercises the diaphragm, neck, stomach, face and shoulders. 

Laughter increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, which not only helps healing and improves circulation, it also expands the blood vessels close to the skin's surface. when they laugh. It can also lower the heart rate, dilate the arteries, stimulate the appetite and burn up calories.

 Neurologist Henri Rubenstein found that one minute of solid laughter provides up to 45 minutes of subsequent relaxation. Professor William Fry at Stanford University reported that 100 laughs will give your body an aerobic workout equal to that of a ten-minute session on a rowing machine. Medically speaking, this is why a damn good laugh is damn good for you.

The older we become, the more serious we become about life. An adult laughs an average of 15 times a day; a preschooler laughs an average of 400 times.

Arnie Cann( professor of psychology at the University ) led an experiment with people
who were showing early signs of depression. Two groups
watched videos over a three-week period. The group that
watched comedy videos showed more improvement in their
symptoms than did a control group that watched non-humor-
ous videos. So Laugh as much.


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