Yummy!!! Peanut Butter: Taste and Health together.

Peanut butter is a good source of protein and good quality Fat. This is a paste form of roasted peanuts. You can spread it on bread instead of Jam. Instead of taking from Market you can easily prepare at home. It is very easy to prepare.

In a 100 gram amount, smooth peanut butter supplies 588 Calories and is composed of 50% fat, 25% protein, 20% carbohydrates (including 6% dietary fiber), and 2% water (table).
peanut butter is sources of saturated ( 21% of total fat) and monounsaturated fats 47% of total fat, and polyunsaturated fat (28% of total fat).
Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are considered as good fat.

Here is its nutrition value—

Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy   -    2,462 kJ (588 kcal)
Carbohydrates-    20 g
Starch -  4.8 g
Sugars-  9.2 g
Dietary fiber -6 g
Fat- 50 g
Protein -25 g
Thiamine (B1)-  (10%) 0.11 mg
Riboflavin (B2) - (9%) 0.11 mg
Niacin (B3) -(88%) 13.2 mg ho
Pantothenic acid (B5) -(22%) 1.1 mg
Vitamin B6 -(42%) 0.55 mg
Folate (B9) -(9%) 35 μg
Vitamin E -(39%) 5.9 mg
Calcium -(5%) 54 mg
Iron -(17%) 2.2 mg
Magnesium -(50%) 179 mg
Manganese -(71%) 1.5 mg
Phosphorus -(48%) 335 mg
Potassium -(14%) 649 mg
Sodium -(0%) 0 mg
Zinc -(28%) 2.7 mg

·         Take peanut and dry roast it without any oil or anything.

·         Allow it to cool and then put this roasted peanut in a blender and a pinch of salt and start grinding
·         You have to grind till the time it became into paste and start releasing oil
·         After that put it into a glass container and have it as Bread spread, Before Gym or you can carry it to your office and when you feel hunger take one spoon of it.

Since it is completely safe because it has the good Fat, but still excess of everything is bad, so take two- three spoon in a day not more than that. Even if you are on special diet, you can also have peanut butter one spoon.


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