Yoga For Thyroid

1. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)

It helps in stimulating thyroid glands and controls thyroxin. In this particular pose, the blood flows from the legs to the head region due to the inverted pose which helps in mitigating thyroid.

2. Halasana (Plough Pose)

This exercise gives compression to the neck thereby, stimulating the abdominal and thyroid glands. It also calms the brain and reduces stress and fatigue.The pose resembles to the Indian plough, hence it is called Halasana.

3. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

This pose takes the form of a fish and therefore, it is called the Matsyasana. It stretches your neck hence stimulating the thyroid glands. This asana provides gentle healing suited to the needs of thyroid patients, lowers stress levels and reduces the stiffness of muscles and joints. It helps in relaxing the body and preventing mood swings and depression which thyroid might cause.


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