Why our Body needs to be Alkaline.

Not Many People aware that our human body is best at the  PH level that is slightly on the alkaline side.
The Body’s pH level can range from 0, or completely alkaline to 14, or completely acidic.
Ideally our body pH level should sit around 7.35 to 7.45 in order to function properly. Unfortunately the majority of people consume a highly processed diet  that is high in sugar. This causes the body’s pH to become acidic. Therefore. Most if the people walking around today have pH levels that are not stabilized and are acidic.

An acidic pH level can be blamed for high blood pressure, Heart disease, stroke, Cancer, Autoimmune disease, allergies and skin disorders.
Luckily, the pH in the Human body can be restored.
I am discussing ten powerful foods that are consumed on the alkaline diet and can improve one’s health.

Spinach-  Spinach is a powerful vegetable that has many health characteristics, including its alkaline effects. This is largely due to its high content of chlorophyll, which causes the spinach to be an alkalizing agent to the body and restore the pH level back to its ideal. Along with its alkalizing properties, Spinach is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, including  Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2,  Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, Folate, Manganese and Potassium. Because of this , spinach alone can help the Body to fell Better and run at  better Capacity. It prevents anemia, Heart disease, signs of aging, cancer, muscle weakness and skin damage. One should use at least one cup pf spinach daily, either raw, cooked or blended into a smoothie.

Lemons – People often thinking that lemons are acidic fruit because of its Citric acid presence. However, they are actually high in alkaline properties. This is because once the citric acid in lemons are metabolized,  they provide an alkaline effect on the body.  They help to cleanse and detox the body, using essential minerals like calcium and iron. Lemons aid the body in Proper functioning of the digestive system and immune system.  They also help one to loose weight, control their blood pressure and fight of cancerous cells. The best result of lemon shows when you take lemon  with lukewarm water in the morning on empty stomach. And wait for 30 minutes and then consume any food
Avocados -  Avocados are another alkaline fruit. It helps to flush out harmful toxins from the body. It is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. You can eat avocados one daily as smoothie or as salad or dip.
Wheatgrass – Wheatgrass also helps to detoxify the body. It also helps to protect the liver from harmful toxins. It also helps to boost energy,loose weight, stabilize blood sugar and fight cancerous cells. You can either make juice from this grass or bought on a powder form from market. If you juiced then consume  one to two ounces daily. If taken as powder then take one teaspoon to a glass of water.

Broccoli – Broccoli is one of the most important foods to eat and maintain alkalize pH levels. It contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It improves digestive system and cardio vascular system, this is same vitamins as Spinach. You can consume it either steamed or roasted for better result.

Cucumber - Cucumber has high amount of water which helps to flush out harmful toxins from the body. It also restores pH levels and prevent from inflammation. This is low in calories so can consume daily. It also fight from cancerous cells.

Bell Pepper – Bell Pepper is also reduce pH level from acidic to alkaline. You can eat raw, roasted , grilled or baked

Garlic – Garlic is the gift of god in the earth. It has so many benefits. Reducing pH levels. It helps to support the body’s overall health. It contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, Copper, Selenium and manganese. It acts as an antibacterial food, an antiviral food and antioxidant food and anti-fungal food. Garlic must be crushed or chopped before consume for better result. You can eat two to three cloves of garlic daily.
         These are some of the alkaline foods. You can take this daily and keep your body healthy. Please feel free to comment or queries.


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